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European Cliff Tour 2023

Mid July this summer, the biggest cliff jumping communities in Europe came together to create a 10 day tour starting in Marseille and ending in Ibiza. This consisted in visiting the best 0 to 27 meter jumping spots on our way. Enzo Benezet was the man and organizer for the French part and Pol Alberdi for Spain and the competition. During daylight, the community moved together and by night we reunited at a 'PIN' camp-spot sent in the group chat.


People came from all over the world to enjoy the welcoming community, the warm weather and world class jumps.

Every day was a big send day and on the final day the expected moment came and the competition was ON.


First place was won by Robin Steiner, a Swiss eminence, who despite already being a champion in the trampoline games, adapted to the height and gravity game impressively. His charismatic personality won the public and his back-full-full won the judges, bringing home 500€, the golden trophy, the latest gopro, waterproof bags from our sponsor TropicFeel and the Freelife poncho!


Second place was for Julien Siau, a French acrobat who during the summer had a non-stop progess in the cliffs. His calm temper makes his jumps unblemished and it is no surprise that he is part of GRT, one of the best acrobatics team. He performed big, and before the winners were announced had to rush to the airport.

We had to call him on face time so he enjoyed the publics shouts and celebrations and his friends had to bring him his 300€ check, trophy, backpack and clothing.


Third place was for Romain Deschamps AKA "Sanglar", member of the Wizzy Gang that completely got everyone off guard with his kong double gainer off a colleague's back! Winning the judges admiration, and to his surprise the 100€ check and trophy, but more importantly like all who were there, an experience that will be remembered forever.



This has only started!

After these succesfull years, we are ready and planning a bigger tour for 2024. Make sure to follow our Instagram for tour updates and join the Telegram group chat to follow the route.



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